The purpose of Hope Bible Church is to exalt God, edify the believers, and evangelize the world. Our desire is to love God, build up and train the believers so they can serve God, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and unite with other believers to fulfill the Great Commission. This can be explained further:
Exalt: Our primary purpose is to exalt God. Every day of our life and for all eternity we are to love and glorify God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. True worship is a heartfelt response to the living God, for who He is, and for what He has done for us. Psalm 100, 145
Worship is expressed as we praise Him, sing to Him, and thank Him. But in a larger sense our entire lives are to be an expression of our worship to God. We are to be a living and holy sacrifice to God, used by God for His purposes and glory. Our worship is to be directed by God's Word, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Communion is a special time of worship when we direct our praise to God and Jesus Christ by thanking them for their great love for us as demonstrated by Christ's death and resurrection, by His great victory over sin and death. John 4:24, Romans 12:1-2
Edify: Our second purpose is to edify and train the believers. The church is to be equipped and strengthened so that she can carry out God's work, and so that she can spiritually grow in the manner that God has desired for her. This takes place:
- as the pastors feed and care for the believers;
- as each believer is strengthened by God's Word, Spirit and grace;
- as each believer is loving, caring for, and encouraging other believers in the church;
- as each believer serves and builds others up through their spiritual gifts;
- and as the church stands firm against the devil's schemes, lies and errors.
The result of edification is that the saints will grow in their relationship with God, and with fellow believers; they will grow in Christ-likeness; they will be getting victory over sin; they will be obedient and faithful; they will be loving the lost; they will be witnesses for the Lord; and they will be united with other believers in fulfilling God's purposes. Acts 9:31, Ephesians 4:12-16.
Evangelize: Our third purpose is to proclaim the good news of salvation, the gospel of Jesus Christ. God wants the church to be united in loving the unbelievers, praying for them, and actively reaching out and witnessing to them. "For the Word of the Lord has sounded forth from you."
1 Thessalonians 1:8, Colossians 4:2-6.
We witness for Christ with our lives and our words. As His disciples, we are to be holy and filled with His joy, peace, and kindness. Then we can lovingly share how God has changed our lives, and can clearly, confidently and courageously speak forth the full truth of the gospel. Then God will save the ones whom He has already chosen to save, the ones He has appointed to eternal life. Acts 13:48-49, 1 Peter 3:15